Colombia clamors for Life, Justice, and Peace

“In the name of God and of these suffering people, whose cries rise to heaven and are more and more tumultuous by the day, I beg you, I plead with you, I order you, in the name of God: Stop the repression”

 (Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero).

Women, men, and all genders, organizations and communities, those who defend life, those who believe in social justice and the dignity of the people- who have signed this declaration- wish to express our profound pain in the face of the systems of death that are becoming increasingly entrenched in the reality of the Colombian population.

In the midst of fear, terror, misery and hopelessness we declare:

Since the signing of the Final Peace Agreement between the ex-guerrilla of the FARC-EP and the Colombian government in November 2016 through August of this year, 1000 people have been assassinated: leaders of indigenous, peasant, and afro-descendant communities and human rights defenders. Also, 227 people who signed the Peace Agreement have been murdered, figures published recently by the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (INDEPAZ). However, the number could be greater due to under-recording.

According to Indepaz, through September 21 of this year, 246 people have been killed in 61 massacres. Among the victims, there are a considerable number of young people. Most of the territories where they have occurred coincide with the sites where there is a presence of Armed Forces.

The escalation of the conflict has been taking place in the midst of measures of isolation and restriction due to the health crisis of Covid-19, which has also generated an increased poverty in Colombia.

The President of the Colombia, making use of his constitutional powers in the midst of the health crisis by Covid-19, has issued more than 1180 decrees. Not all of them are related to Covid-19, and weaken the access to Fundamental Human Rights (health, social security, labor, among others), favoring the big national and international capitals.

Social mobilization and protest actions have been violently repressed by the government, and stigmatization, accusations and persecution are increasing. An homage to the doctrine of the internal enemy.

During the protests in response to the killing of the law student Javier Ordoñez at the hands of the National Police, 13 people were also murdered by police according to MOVICE.

The national polarization that exists from the paralyzed implementation of the agreement with the FARC is evident. It is also urgent to continue the dialogue with the ELN. The political and economic forces of the Iván Duque government affirm that there are no resources for implementation, and in fact hold that the final agreement as a sort of “impunity pact” between the two sides. In contrast, sectors of the victims, social organizations, some political parties, and economic and even military sectors demand compliance with and implementation of the Peace Accord as a historic opportunity to tell the truth and achieve the changes and transformations that Colombia requires.

The current administration is making progress in establishing a government with dictatorial characteristics by trying to put an end to the courts, concentrating efforts on militarizing the territories as the only form of security, approving the presence of the United States military in Colombia without having gone through the approval of the Colombian Congress, and attacking judicial decisions from the executive.

Today we want to speak to to Pope Francisco, to the World Council of Churches, to the different reports of the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights who should know what is happening here. We also want to speak to the countries that are guarantors of the Peace Agreement in Colombia, to the Lutheran World Federation, to the World Reformed Communion, to people like Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, and, to all of them, who can call for life and peace in Colombia.

Against this backdrop, we invite you to join us in our clamor:

For the government of Colombia to generate the necessary conditions to guarantee the sacred right to life: to prevent and stop the assassination of social leaders, human rights defenders and signatories of the final peace agreement.

To make visible the collapse of the rule of law and that the bloodshed in Colombia be publicized

For the balance of power be maintained for a true social democracy based on the rule of law

For a purge and restructuring of the military and police forces

For the Colombian government to have the political will to authentically dismantle of paramilitary successor structures and to reestablish the talks with the ELN guerrillas.

We ask that visibility be given to what is happening and worsening in our territories, such as confinement and forced displacement, effects of anti-personnel mines, economic blockades, stigmatization, territorial dispossession, environmental damage, and extractive activities.

We invite you to send letters to the Colombian government, to immediately advance a humanitarian agreement that will stop the escalation of the conflict.

We request the departure of the United States military from Colombian territory.

In the face of such a difficult situation, we ask you to have ready large scale the monitoring mechanisms, early warnings systems, and political advocacy strategies to help us support alternative ways of living, and so that we can overcome this situation that our country is experiencing.

For Life, Justice and Peace in Colombia!

Alianza CONVIDA20, CONPAZCOL, Mesa Ecuménica por la Paz, FOR Presente por la Paz, De la Guerra a la Paz, Peacebuilding, Non-Violence and Demilitarization Commission, Fundación Pueblo Indio del Ecuador, Somos Abya Yala, AFEP, SICSAL, SOA Watch

PDF: Colombia_ing



Abilio Peña Buendía, Cosecretario Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL-

Adda Garzón

Adriana Gómez

Adriana María Henao Gaviria

Alberto Ferreira Alameda

Alejandro Builes

Alfredo López

Alice León Ramos

Amalia Carrillo

Amparo Castro Echeverri

Ana Angarita

Ana Cristina Domínguez

Ana María Laverde

Ana María Velázquez

Ancizar Cadavid Restrepo

Andrés Villa

Ángela María Quintero P.

Angela María Rivera

Angie Diaz

Aracelly Pereira

Arquímedes de Jesús Rodríguez

Asociación. Codo a Codo

Aura Linda Arguello Angulo

Bechy Paola Chimonja coy

Camilo Mendoza

Carmen Edith Hurtado de Salas

Carmen Elisa Torres

Carmenza Ortiz

Carolina Romero

Catalina Cabrera

Clara Emilia

Claudia Mejía

Constanza Ardila

Cristo Hoyos

Danna Meza

Deisy Johana Hinestroza García

Deysy Yuliana Henao Montoya

Diego Pérez

Edgar Segura Segura

Edwin Mosquera Riascos

Elena Iribarren

Eliodoro Sánchez Mosquera

Elizabeth Karpf

Elkin Úsuga Cano

Emilia Frost, Critical Peace & Transformation

Enrique Chimonja Coy

Esperanza Rico

Fanny Zuleta Restrepo

Flor Marina Ducuara de Mondragón

Flower Arias Rivera

Francisco Javier Lopera Lopera

Gloria Alejandra Montoya

Gloria Amparo Suarez

Gloria Correa

Gloria Ortega Pérez

Gustavo Echeverri

Gustavo García

Hébert Suarez Urbano

Héctor Santiago Fábregas

Henry Ramírez Soler

Hernando Robayo Mendoza

Hilda Coronado C

Idalia Reina

Ignacio Zuleta Lleras

Irene Madrigal Ramírez

Jaime Absalón León Sepúlveda

Jairo Anacona Cruz

Jimena Montana

John Hernández

Jorge Hernán Marulanda Gómez

José de Jesús Atehortúa Sánchez

Juan Camilo Tobón Olarte (pujanza progresista barboseña

Juan Carlos Cardona soto

Juan Garzón

Juana Caycedo

Judith Escobar Trujillo

Juna Guillermo Berrío

Justa Victoria Sánchez Caballero

Juvencio Cerón S.

Karen Tafur

Liliana Erazo

Lina Colorado

Luis Alberto Jiménez Zuluaga

Luis Arturo Garcés Borja.

Luis Caicedo Correa

Luis Carlos Bernal restrepo

Luisa Fernanda Parra Rodríguez

Luz Dary Ospina Román

Luz Elvira Caicedo vente

Luz María Tenorio Ramírez

Luz Marina Díaz

Luz Marina Mora

Luz Suaza

Luz Victoria Ortiz Martínez

Lyda Rodríguez

Ma Eugenia Velásquez

Mady Samper

Manuel Antonio González

Manuel Peña González

Marcela Camacho

Marcela Medina

Marcela Rodríguez Urrego

Marcó Antonio Valenzuela Pérez

Margarita Ochoa

Mari Mondragón

María Aurora Bailon Ibáñez

María Buendía

María Consuelo del Río Mantilla

María Elvira Molano

María Emma Prada

María Eugenia Mateus Amaya

María Eugenia Mosquera Riascos

María Eugenia Pineda

María Eugenia Vásquez Perdomo

María Fernanda Villarreal

María Isabel Durango Guerra

María Marulanda

María Mercedes Herrera

María Pilar Cumba Zabaleta

María Zulay Escudero Marín

Marian Suarez Camacho

Marina Mateus Parra

Marina Silva Herrán

Mario Hernández

Marta Rodríguez

Martha Moreno

Mary Giraldo

María Teresa Gómez Ardila

Mauricio Castañeda

Mauricio Tovar Suárez

Mónica Ximena Parra

Myrian Beltrán Leal

Nancy Sandoval

Natalia Vaca

Nelcy Orozco

Norma Inés Bernal Vélez

Omer Vidal

Orlando Sandoval Eslava

Paola Velásquez

Patricia Alameda

Patricia Parra

Pedro Robles

Piedad Ortiz

Rafael Ortiz Jaramillo

Raquel Beltrán

Rev. John Hernández

Ricardo Ramírez Giraldo

Rocío Vélez

Rosa Helena Mahecha Cárdenas

Rosa Milena Becerra Rosero

Rosalba Agudelo Calle

Rosalba Saavedra Mejía

Rosaly Sandoval

Rosario Torres

Rubiela Mamián

Sara Botero

Sair Antonio Ubarnes Aparicio

Sandra Villada

Silvio Cajiao

Sofia Morales C

Sofía Sandoval

Sol Ángela Hoyos Pérez

Susana Farfán

Tarcisio Gaitán

Víctor Antonio Martínez

Willinton Ibargüen Mosquera

Yadira E. Borrero Ramírez

Yeny Astrid Bedoya Betancur

Yolanda Peñuela Mora

Zoila Cueto Villaman

Zuldrey Yolima David

Organizaciones Nacionales

AFAVIT Familias Víctimas de Trujillo, Valle del Cauca


Asociación de Pequeños Productores, ASOPROA

Asociación PIWAM

Asociación Tierra para Todos, Inclusión Social

Asuntos Femeninos y de la familia

Centro Cívico San Javier

Coalición de Movimientos y Organizaciones Sociales de Colombia – COMOSOC

Colectivo de Mujeres Tejiendo Red

Colombia Humana

Compañía de María

Comunidad de Vida y Trabajo La Balsita

Consejo Comunitario Casimiro Meza Mendoza

Consejo Comunitario Juntas del Tamaná – COCOLOJU –

Consejo Comunitario la Esperanza, Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca

Consejo Municipal de Paz, Reconciliación y Convivencia, Dabeiba, Antioquia

Coordinación Nacional Étnica Nacional de Paz – CENPAZ –

Corporación Claretiana Norman Pérez Bello

Corporación Cultural Colombo Cubana

Espacio Humanitario Punta Icaco, Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca

Fundación Guagua

Fundación Hogar Pastorin


Mesa de concertación de Trabajadores de Santa Catalina, Bogotá

Mesa de Victimas, Dabeiba, Antioquia

Mesa por el Derecho a la Salud y la Seguridad Social de Antioquia – MESSSA-

Novo Producciones SAS

Organización Cavidad

Partido FARC

Red Ambiental

Red Local de Paz y Reconciliación


Seglares Claretianos Colombia

Seglares claretianos Colombia


Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero, SICSAL

Servicio Paz y Justicia en América Latina

Somos Abya Yala Somos una Américas

Somos Más, PDA


Adrián Bernal, USA

Alejandra Arriaza Donoso, Chile

Alessandra Zaghini, Italia

Anchy de la Garza, Sverige

Armando Márquez, Co-Secretario Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, El Salvador

Arnaldo Pérez Guerra, Chile

Begoña Navarro Huidobro, Estado español

Carla Ruta, Suiza

Carmen Serrano García, España

Christian Peacemaker Teams, Canadá

Claudia Coavijo G, España

Clemencia Vernaza, Suisse

Concepción Rodríguez Seglar Claretiana, Estados Unidos

Cruz Elisa Buitrago Orozco, España

Da Costa Joël, Francia

Daniela González López, México

Daniela Luz Caivano, Argentina

David L Raby, Reino Unido

Diana Coronado, United States

Edith Martínez, Corriente Emancipación Sur, Argentina

Eleuterio Cárdenas León, Bélgica

Eliana Peña, Canadá

Elida Quevedo, Venezuela

Erica Zambrano Valenzuela, Chile

Ermencia Basante Rivadeneira, Canadá

Fanny Sandoval , Suiza

Florencia Roulet, Suisse

Franklin Ledezma andanedo Panamá

Fredis Sandoval , El Salvador

Gerardo Dure, Argentina

Gloria Niebles, Chile

Guido Cenni, Italia

Hernan fabio Roldán, Argentina

Ignacio Urbina Zambrano, Chile

Ivan Forero Robayo, España

Jairo Garavito Tirado, Canadá

Jonathan Gonzalez Quiel, Panamá

Jorge Nuñez, España

Juan Antonio Zuleta, Argentina

Judith Kelly, USA

Julín Acosta, Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latiana Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, República Dominicana

kay Jay, USA

Kaj Arhem, Uppsala University, Sweden (Suecia)

Kathleen Desautels, U.S.

Katherine Muñoz Tirano, España

Kati Hinman EEUU

Kora Martinez, Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, Nicaragua

Lily Colombia, España

Luisa Antonia Serrano Gómez, Inglaterra

Manuel Urbina Marchant, Chile

Marcelina Matías SICSAL BOLIVIA

Luis Espinal, Bolivia

Marcelo Chalréo, abogado, miembro del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Brasil, Brasil

Madeline Medina, United States of America

María De Socorro Vivas Bonilla, España

María del Rosario Bravo Montero, México

María Del Socorro Vivas Bonilla, España

María Elena López gallardo, México.

María Elena – SICSAL, México

María Hadad Grez, Chile

María Muñoz, España

María Napal Gavari, España

María Rasmy Hadad Grez, Chile

María Stella Cáceres, Paraguay

María Teresa Garrido, Suiza

Maricarmen Montes, Consejo Directivo Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, México

Mariella Tapella, El Salvador

Marta Gómez, Francia

Marta Muñoz, El Salvador

Maura Fernández, Cuba

Mauricio Ortiz-Guadalupanos Ecuador

Michaela Soellinger, Austria

Miguel Nazal, Chile

Mireya Perea Perea, España

Mónica Fery Sandoval, Francia

Mons. Raúl Vera López, Co-presidente Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, México

Nacho Hernández Alonso, Estado español

Nadia Patricia Ramírez Mora, España

Nancy Muñoz Ochoa, Francia

Nelly Bocchi, Italia

Nicole Urbina Zambrano, Chile

Nieto granada Luz Elena, Francia

Nohora Parra, Francia

Olga Garzón, Suecia

Olga Mendoza, España

Pamela San Martin, Chile

Paolo Vachino, Italia

Patricia vence, Panamá

Petra Mallen, Argentina

Rev. Emilie Smith Co-presidenta Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, Canadá

Rosa Gazmuri, Chile

Salomé Rodríguez González, España

Sean Cleary, Australia

Seglares Claretianos de La Ceiba, Honduras

Sergio Martínez, Chile

Severina Tapella, El Salvador

Silvia Aristizábal López, Guatemala

Soraida del Carmen Santander Solarte, España

Susi Franco, United States

Teresa Reyes, Spain

Uppsala University, Sweden

Uriel Ramírez, Venezuela

Vidal Rivas, Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL, Estados Unidos

Wladimir Cerda, Francia

Yasmin Correa Guisao, España

Organizaciones Internacionales

Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos Chile

Asociación acción Verapaz, España

CINTRAS, Centro de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, Chile

Collectif Droits Homme au Chili, Francia

Comisión Funa, Chile

Comissão de Direitos Sociais e Interlocução Sociopopular OAB Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Comité Asamblea Constituyente Bélgica

Comité Óscar Romero de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Comunidad Ecuménica Martin Luther King, Chile

Consejo Directivo Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina Oscar Arnulfo Romero -SICSAL- Argentina

Coordinadora 8 de Marzo Quilpué Chile

Corporación José Martí

Disciples Peace Fellowship, USA

Denver Justice and Peace Committee Denver, Colorado, United States

Ecosynapsis, United States

Emancipacion Sur Argentina

Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA

FOR Austria

Fundación Pueblo Indio del Ecuador

ICID (Iniciativas de Cooperación Internacional para el  Desarrollo), España

International Fellowship of Reconciliation – IFOR Mundial

InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia, USA

Invisibles por la Paz, Chile

KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives , Canadá

Movimento de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, Brasil

REDS – Red de Solidaridad para la Transformación social, España

Seglares Claretianos de La Ceiba Honduras


SOA Watch-Los Angeles , United states

Soldepaz Pachakuti, España

SOLdePaz.Pachakuti, Asturies Estado Español

Solidair met Guatemala, Belgica

The United Church of Canada