To face the pandemic, and its dire economic, social and political consequences, articulated actions are needed from a humanitarian perspective. The world not only needs public health plans and actions, it is also essential democracy and very firm limits to the egoism of the most concentrated economic power.
The political prisoners are the result of the cut in democracy, as lethal as that of the health system.
Human rights organizations:
Argentina: Argentine League for Human Rights, Forum for democracy and freedom of political prisoners
Mexico: Mexican League for Human Rights, Solidarity Network Decade Against Impunity AC
Palestine: Addameer, Prisoner Support and Human Rights Organization
Honduras: Committee of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees in Honduras
Colombia: Dignity Ties Foundation
Guatemala: Festivales Solidarios
Paraguay: Social platform of memory, democracy and human rights
Dominican Republic: National Human Rights Commission
Peru: Micaela Lives Association
Spain: Sodepaz Solidarity for Development and Peace and SodePau Paí Valencià
Chile: Grouping of Relatives of Political Executed
USA: Alliance for Global Justice, Denver Justice and Peace Committee, School of the Americas Watch
International Committee Peace, Justice and Dignity for the Peopless
Somos Abya Yala – Somos una América
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