Dear Friends,
Since 1990, SOA Watch has worked to support the autonomy and dignity of our communities and to hold the US accountable for the historical and current impacts of US economic, political, and military intervention. Last month, we witnessed the power of our movement as we returned to the gates of the infamous Fort Benning in memory and resistance. Together, on the 30th anniversary of the SOA graduate led UCA massacre in El Salvador, we continued to demand accountability for US-led and supported state violence. We grounded ourselves in the importance of Nunca Más or Never Again and denounced the ongoing military coup in Bolivia led by SOA/WHINSEC graduates, called out the US for training Chilean state forces involved in widespread repression against civilian protesters, and demanded the abolishment of Border Patrol and ICE whose agents are currently receiving civilian-targeted warfare training at Fort Benning. As we continue to demand the closure of SOA/WHINSEC and similar facilities, we also know that our work will not end until we dismantle the structures of oppression on which they are based and secure the collective liberation of all our communities.
Today, on #GivingTuesday and as we enter our 30th year, we need to raise $30,000 to ensure that we are able to hire an additional organizer in 2020. With your tax-deductible donation of $50, $100, $250 or more, SOA Watch will be able to deepen our collaboration with, and accountability to, the communities most directly impacted by all forms of US-led and supported violence throughout the Americas.
We are grateful for your continued support – you keep our movement strong and dynamic! Donate now on this #GivingTuesday to help us reach our goal of $30,000 by the end of the year. Together, we will end US imperialism, intervention, and state violence.
All donations are tax-deductible and may be made the following ways:
**Make an online donation via our website
**Send checks made out to SOA Watch to our Tucson office:
SOA Watch
225 E 26th Street, Suite 7
Tucson, AZ 85713
In community and solidarity,
Brigitte, Candice, Dévora, Pablo, and Roy
SOA Watch