Dear Friends,
Thank you all for attending the first of three events in the SOA Watch 30th Anniversary Rooted in Resistance Series. On Sunday, September 27th we hosted the virtual gathering Rooted in Resistance: Defending Our Communities and Ending State Violence in the Americas. Together, with the help of SOA Watch-IL, we enjoyed wonderful poetry by Lumi from the Peace Poets; heard the insightful words of Dr. Maha Hilal, SOA Watch Council Member, writer, researcher, and co-director of Justice for Muslims Collective; and learned from each of the SOA Watch Staff Collective members about the three program areas and updates on upcoming projects.
Next, we invite you to save the date for the upcoming events in the SOA Watch 30th Anniversary Rooted in Resistance Series! This year will be the first time in SOA Watch’s 30 year history that we will not have an in-person mobilization, however, we continue our work to end US-led and backed state violence; dismantle Border Imperialism; and stand with communities in Latin America organizing against the militarization of their lands and lives under a neoliberal model that values profit over people and the environment.
Rooted in Resistance Virtual Concert
Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET
Featuring: Rebeca Lane, Brooklyn Dreamwolf with JenDog Lonewolf and YaliniDream, Fran cisco Herrera, Colleen Kattau, and Emma’s Revolution. Hosted by Lumi and Lu Aya from the Peace Poets! The event is bilingual (Spanish and English) and interpretation will be provided.
The event is free, and all are welcome! We will be sending the event link via email. We recognize that we are living in a global pandemic and that many people are having financial hardships. Our goal is to create spaces that will bring us together in these critical political moments. If you have the means, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Funds raised will be used to compensate all the artists and will support our critical work to end US-led and backed state violence throughout the Americas. We are grateful that you believe in our work, without you it would not be possible.
Rooted in Resistance Virtual Encuentro/Vigil
Saturday and Sunday, November 21 and 22, 2020
Weekend will include workshops, music, and vigil. Our struggle for collective liberation and for the dignity of all our communities continues together! More details and registration link to follow!
In solidarity,
Brigitte, Candice, Dévora, Pablo, and Roy
SOA Watch